
After laboring over a few tricky web domain name adjustments, re-directs, and other website things which I am unqualified to discuss, I am stopping by to share some more sketches!  There is something great about a pen drawing and the potential it holds.  I have some cyanotype solution eager to be applied to some lovely paper for this foxy character on the right, but I am considering adding a border element before taking any firm steps with making prints.  These beautiful end of summer days are seeming perfect for some outdoor printing.  The little birds and additional elements on the left are destined for some new fabric patterns.  Thanks for reading!

Into my sketchbook part one.

I am looking forward to starting a new series featuring some glimpses into my sketchbook and works in progress.  In an attempt to be more organized and attached to my creative process, this record keeping of sorts, in one place, is something I haven't always maintained during projects or random inspirations.  I have been busy developing and refining a new set of fabric patterns of which these are a few of the close to finalized sketches.   I've been particularly inspired by some of these photographs of the beautiful northern landscapes.