Andrea Lauren: Two-Color Linocut Print: Cat in the Chair

Excited to share this new series of reduction linocuts all inspired by the cat's life as I imagine it.  Reduction lino prints are all hand-carved from a single block for each color.   After printing the first color, the block is carved away and printed a second time with another layer.


  1. I'm super intrigued by this, I did a little of this in college & this post is inspiring me to get out my tools and try again

    1. Great to hear Heidi! Would love to see what you come up with! I learn new things every day and these old processes have a way of staying fresh!

  2. Don't you get really tense not to make a mistake? I would! They look brilliant though; I also love the scenery through the window :)

    1. Cally, you're right! Particularly in this method there are lots of variables to go wrong. Getting to this point has been a long road and I thankfully the mistakes are at a minimum now -- knock on wood!
